Coffee, coffee, and coffee
Many people asked me to write reviews of coffee. The reason is that I received a lot of coffee and I take pictures of them. This is true. Here is video of what I have on my desk a couple weeks ago.
That’s just a couple of weeks ago. Since then, I have received more coffee. Ha ha ha.
The thing is, I consider Bandung to be a heaven for coffee lovers. It still depends on the type of coffee you like. If you just like one type of coffee and that’s it, then probably you can stick with what you have in your coffeeshop. But, if you like to try different kind of coffee, then Bandung is the place. As you can see in the video, those are just single origin Arabica from different coffee vendors / farmers. Yes, some of them came from the farmers themselves. I have a lot of friends in the coffee industry; from farmers to baristas.
Now, to the question of why I have not done coffee reviews here is the answer.
First of all, there are two types of coffee; delicious and super delicious — or deliiiciiiooouuus. There. I am not trained. I am just a coffee lover. That’s all. Thus, it would be difficult for you to judge based on my review — if I write a review.
Second, I don’t know how to write coffee reviews. I know this is a lame excuse. I should have learned how to do it, but you know the situation. At some point in time, maybe — I said maybe — I’ll do it properly. In the mean time, I’ll try to post the coffee that I am currently drinking. Good enough?