Being (an artificial) John Malkovich
One day, I was getting out from a building in our university. I was going to my car in the parking lot after teaching. A car pulled over and opened the passenger window. The driver said (in English), “Did you know that you look like John Malkovich?” I laughed and said, “Yes, this is the second time somebody mentioned this.” He laughed and took off.
I don’t look like John Malkovich. That’s my opinion, but anybody can have his or her opinion. And why would you want to be like John Malkovich, anyway? ha ha ha.
Today, I was writing my presentation (on artificial intelligence). I was musing about AI; how it feels to be an AI “person” (or machine). Then I remembered about the “John Malkovich”-thingy. I’ll just put that as the title, “Being John Malkovich. err…, scratch that. Being an Artificial Intelligence.” Got the title. Now… I have to work on the content.
I need to brew more coffee.